Hause Monnin Consulting

Self-Funded Health Plans


The firm has consulted extensively in the self-funded health plan area.


The firm has provided a wide range of services based on the goals and requirements of each group, including:

A.         Analyze past experience, compare it to expected results and recommend monthly funding targets and reserve levels. 


B.         Analyze and recommend reinsurance levels. The firm performs scenario testing with proprietary stochastic modeling software. This allows us to calculate results assuming a plan has 1000 years of experience, modeled by projecting individual claims.


C.        Review benefit design changes and suggest options.


D.        Assist in the allocation of revenue requirements 


Gary Monnin has presented seminars on health reserving to such groups as the Texas Department of Insurance and the Oklahoma Department of Insurance.  He has also presented a self-funding seminar to the Texas TPA Association.


We believe that the self-funded market has not been adequately serviced, in many cases.  Many self funded plans rely exclusively on the agent of record, the TPA, or the reinsurance company for funding and benefit plan advice.  There has been an absence of a consultant, in many cases, with the solvency of the plan at the forefront of consideration.