Hause Monnin Consulting
Insurance Company Consulting
In the company environment, both Gary Monnin and Jeff Yeatman serve as Appointed Actuaries for a number of life and health companies. Traditional actuarial consulting, such as product development, financial statement work, and high level financial analyses are performed.
The consulting goes beyond that, however. Gary Monnin finished his company career as the Senior Vice President of a medium sized life insurance company. In this role, he had a direct responsibility for the profitability of all lines of business. He developed an approach to financial analysis on a high level basis which compares the results of the company to the expected results. Based upon this experience, he has consulted with many companies in analyzing their profitability picture.
With regard to health companies, the firm has performed theoretical pricing across all lines of business, re-rating and filing of individual and group health products, reserve calculations, and other financial analyses.
In many cases, Gary Monnin has been operating on a very high level within companies. He has served in the role of "temporary
CFO" and "temporary Chief Actuary" in situations where a company had a short term need. He has been invited to Annual Strategic Planning meetings for companies - leading the discussion.
Companies have found it helpful to have a third party participate in the discussions where issues may be discussed that may not otherwise have been considered.